ArtLiveAndBeauty - Masterpieces of Paintings All The Times

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Bekir Ustün's Paintings

In 1979, Bekir Ustün was born in Nide, Turkey. When he was a small child, Bekir Ustün discovered that he could not ignore the beauty of mother nature. During a trip he had with his mother, an elementary school event served as his inspiration. His art teacher accused him of being a copyist after failing to accept one of his paintings. Bekir Ustün's life took a turn for the worst after that, and he began his painting journey. In Istanbul, he attended several different types of workshops on texture and composition. He completed the coursework he was unable to finish for personal reasons and applied to the Nevsehir University Haci Bektasi Veli Art Faculty Talent Competition. He won the painting branch competition. "A true artist who escapes from the easy knows that, the cognition of life can only be attributed to those who think on the human spirit and those who seek to understand it," according to Turkish author Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar, is his inspiration and he is trying to translate the beauties of the world into paintings.

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