ArtLiveAndBeauty - Masterpieces of Paintings All The Times

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Artist Christiane Vleugels

Hyperrealistic oil Paintings of Artist Christiane Vlegels

Christiane Vlegels is a contemporary hyperrealist belgian artist, She was born in 1964 in Belgium. Christiane is not specialized at genre or technique, she has been painting since she was very young since she had 12 years old. Already at the age of 17 Christiane has become a professional in her hobby. At the moment, in the works of the artist, you can see oil paintings made in the style of hyperrealism. According to Christiane herself , this interest is not the target factor of her work. A greater role than technique in the artist's paintings is played by the sensuality of the characters and the expression of dramatic beauty.

Christiane Vlegels studied at the Royal Academy of Arts in Antwerp. After graduation the Academy of Arts, she moved to live in Germany. In this country, many exhibitions of the artist's paintings were organized. Then she was engaged in classical works. After this stage in her life, Christiane began to actively experiment with the colors and themes of her characters. The artist does not stand still to this day. Christiane always looking for new horizons to amaze the viewer, and most importantly to find an understanding of herself. Experiments fall into the plane of inspiration and ideas, so the artist is always able to surprise.

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