ArtLiveAndBeauty - Masterpieces of Paintings All The Times

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On April 5, 1811, Jules Dupre, a French artist, one of the largest representatives of the Barbizon school, was born in Nantes. It is considered the founder of the modern French landscape.
Jules was born into the family of a manufacturer, a manufacturer of porcelain.

He made his debut in 1831 at the Paris Salon with five works. He painted mainly the French landscape (except for some works of 1835-1839 created in England).

In 1867, 12 paintings by Dupre were exhibited at the World Exhibition. After that, the artist did not exhibit his works for a long time - until the National Exhibition of 1883, where eight of his new works could be seen. Most of the paintings, as a rule, passed to buyers and customers directly from his workshop. Now these works are found in public and private collections. For example, in the Kushelev Gallery of the Imperial Academy of Arts there are two landscapes of Dupree.

Jules Dupre was awarded the rank of officer of the Legion of Honor.
Dupree is a recognized master of the so-called "intimate landscape", reflecting not so much the beauty of the depicted nature, but rather the correspondence to her mood and experiences of the artist, served through paint, line and light.

The painter died on October 6, 1889 in L'Ile Adan, near Paris.

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