ArtLiveAndBeauty - Masterpieces of Paintings All The Times

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Artist Guido Berelli 

Guido Borelli was born in 1952 in Caluso, Italy where he still resides. Born into an artist family young Guido first discovered painting somewhere between the ages of 4 to 6 years old.  With the encouragement of his family he had his first personal art exhibit at age 17. He received his art training at Accademia Albertina, in Turin, which was founded in 1672, at the special request of the King.  Beginning with Guido's first exhibition a the Ars Plauda Gallery in Turnin, Italy in 1969 he has continued to have exhibitions around the world in Catania, Uruguay, Holland, Egypt, UK, Malta, Norway, Germany, USA, Spain, Russia, Bulgaria, France, Poland, Kenya and Japan."I am a true lover of nature and of everything gentle.  My landscapes and houses combine reality and imagination.  First, I store in my mind all  views that I find interesting.  Later, when I need a subject, those views resurface in my memory, and I paint what I selectively remember of them, with intrinsically personal modifications."  --  Guido Borelli
Guido's paintings are influenced by the Ilalian realistic style begginning in the 1900's, especially by the artists Boldini and De Nittis.  Inspired by the movement of shadows, his oil paintings reflect nature as their focal points depicting Italian landscapes, homes and villas of Northern Italy and the Alps.  His art work can be seen in public and private collections worldwide.

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