ArtLiveAndBeauty - Masterpieces of Paintings All The Times

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Watercolors landscapes of the modern spanish artist Faustino Martin Gonzalez 

Faustino Martin Gonzalez lives in Avila (Spain). His special passion is the image of the transitional states of nature, the change of seasons or the time of day. Favorite technique - watercolor. His paintings are saturated with light and air; restrained, calm tones prevail in them.

Faustino Martin Gonzalez's works contain everything that is typical for classical watercolor: smooth color transitions, play of light and shadow, airiness, lightness, emotions and mood. The artist masterfully depicts the transparency of water and sky, the play of sunlight, bluish shadows. Everything is so tender, reverent and subtle in his works, a real watercolor mood reigns in them.

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