ArtLiveAndBeauty - Masterpieces of Paintings All The Times

ArtliveAndBeauty is A Blog About Masterpieces Of Paintings All the Times, Elite of Finest Artists paintings All Over The World

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Artist Mark Elliot Lovett 

was born in 1956, grew up in Maryland, USA. 

Mark started playing guitar and singing professionally at the age of 14. 

At the age of 30 he became interested in painting. 

A graduate of the University of Maryland, studied figurative and portrait painting at Incamminati Nelson Shanks in Pennsylvania, Alexandria School of Art, Virginia. 

Honing his skills, he attended several seminars. 

Marc loves old masters such as Bouguereau, Schengel, Tissot, Harlamoff, DuBlaas, Andriotti and Enjolras ... He 

strives to combine their technique with his own style and vision. 

He loves to paint children's portraits: the models are local kids ... 

For inspiration, Mark travels across Europe and America.

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