Artist Seth Couture
Seth Couture is an american contemporary artist based in : (Eldorado Hills, California).
his unique talent makes the paint looks so much alive , his works is a such very beautiful combaination of harmony between abstract and realism , bliss to eyes to see it , Seth Couture mastered acrylic paintings on canvas, as well as charcoal and pastels, his works ofen is a figurative painting
Seth life and career art are not at all normal. As a teenager, he left abusive homes and exhibited himself at school. After graduating from high school, he made it to California, where the famous artist Tom X took him under his wing.
Then, in 2004, Seth Suspended his paintings for almost 6 years to focus on his work as a biotech .until he was reunited with his grandmother , she was an artist and thats why she could convince seth to practice his painting gift full time . When she died just three years after they reunited, Seth decided to pursue his dream. He moved north and built an art studio. Today he is one of {UGallery's } best creators in San Francisco.
Beaucoup de talent.