ArtLiveAndBeauty - Masterpieces of Paintings All The Times

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Paintings of Artist  Margarita Georgiadis

Artist Margarita Georgiadis is a contemporary  Australian Painter ( B 1968 ) , Margarita draws topics for his works in his autobiography, but she understands that the private is also versatile, suitable to the fate of many people. Her work is just an impulse for the philosophical study of universal human values.

In 1986 Margarita Georgiadis got her Diploma in Visual Arts from the National School of Art, Sydney. Then in 1989 she graduated from the College of Art in Sydney with a degree in commercial screen printing and finally in 1990 received her Bachelor of Arts from the University of Fine Arts of Sydney.

She draws like she’s writing a book. Her works are a chronicle of life that unfolds in front of the viewer, finding a response in his heart. Each of these paintings is a complete, complete work dedicated to a certain period of time or to a single moment in Margarita's life, which crystallizes thanks to the artist's efforts and, although it stands apart, gives the feeling of an episode or chapter in a large narrative.

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