ArtLiveAndBeauty - Masterpieces of Paintings All The Times

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Paintings of Artist Frøydis Aarseth 

Artist and teacher Frøydis Aarseth is a contemporary norwegian Figurative oil painter , Froydis was born in 1986, in norway, since she was young, Froydis followed her biggest passion she was loves painting so much, she has her unique style as oil painter, the nature in her village near forde city represented big inspiration for her, and fed her artistic imagination, she had been graduated from Florence Academy of fine-Art, italy in 2009 after four years of studing, after graduation she decided to travel to france to get training under the famous norwegian Painter Odd Nerdrum.

Froydis exibited her work in many exhibitions ourside and outside norway in united states , italy, spain, germany also in sweden.

Artist's Froydis Offical Site :

Still-Life Paintings of Artist Frøydis Aarseth 

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