ArtLiveAndBeauty - Masterpieces of Paintings All The Times

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Artist's Mathis Miles Williams Paintings

Mathis Miles Williams is a Contemporary American figurative-painter, who adores female beauty, his paintings basically about women and childern, Mathis was born in 1964(Texas, usa). Mathis recieved his degree in philosophy by proffessor Paul Woodruff from at Phi Beta Kappa university in Texas. at 1986 he got opportunity to watch the great spanish artist Joaquin Torrents in austen paintings a portrait of the governer's wife which inspired him alot, a year after Mathis started studing and learining the techniques of the of old-masters of painting by reading about thier works , and also by going to museums and copyings thier works its wasnt easy job some museums refused due to policy like the Dallas Museum, but lately he got his freedom to copy paintings at the San Antonio Museum of Art there he copied details of  Bouguereau's Admiration.

in the beganing of the 90s the Artist Mathis Miles was awarded the Basil Alkazzi Award to go to uk to study the paintings of the Tate Gallery, in london, later he travel to many countries to study art italy, france, denmark , etc

at 1984  Mathis got his BFA (Bachelor of fine Arts) from Summa cum Laude.

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