Manuel Fernandez Garcia | Spainish Painter | ArtLiveAndBeauty - ArtLiveAndBeauty - Masterpieces of Paintings All The Times Manuel Fernandez Garcia | Spainish Painter | ArtLiveAndBeauty | ArtLiveAndBeauty - Masterpieces of Paintings All The Times

ArtLiveAndBeauty - Masterpieces of Paintings All The Times

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vendredi 2 avril 2021

Manuel Fernandez Garcia | Spainish Painter | ArtLiveAndBeauty

Paintings of Artist Manuel Fernandez Garcia 

Sunny Spain in the paintings of the Spanish artist Manuel Fernandez Garcia. The artist was born in 1927, his family included artists before him: his great-grandpa painted religious subjects and signed them with the name Perez, and there were other relatives with an artistic gift. Manuel was never able to complete his schooling, he had to work - to help his father in the family shop. It was there that he met his future mentor - the artist Jose Arpa Perea kept his easel, brushes, paints, finished paintings in the warehouse of his father's store. Manuel took Jose's paints without asking and painted them on the roof. The artist did not complain about the boy, but, on the contrary, began to support him in every possible way, to take him to the planners, the two of them went in search of beautiful views: landscapes, courtyards, squares. When someone said to them: "Oh! Teacher and student", then 90-year-old Arpa answered: "No, no. We are friends."

So, Manuel Garcia became an artist. His genre scenes are imbued with love for Spain, its history, Spain of the 19th century, its small towns and landscapes appear in his paintings. Manuel practically did not go anywhere, his native Spain was enough for him.

España soleada en las pinturas del artista español Manuel Fernandez Garcia / Manuel Fernandez Garcia. El artista nació en 1927, su familia incluía artistas antes que él: su bisabuelo pintaba cuadros con temas religiosos y los firmaba con el nombre de Pérez / Pérez, y había otros familiares con don artístico. Manuel nunca pudo completar sus estudios, tuvo que trabajar para ayudar a su padre en la tienda familiar. Fue allí donde conoció a su futuro mentor: el artista José Arpa Perea guardaba su caballete, pinceles, pinturas, pinturas terminadas en el almacén de la tienda de su padre. Manuel tomó las pinturas de José sin preguntar y las pintó en el techo. El artista no se quejó del niño, sino que, por el contrario, comenzó a apoyarlo en todas las formas posibles, a llevarlo a los planificadores, los dos fueron en busca de hermosas vistas: paisajes, patios, plazas. Cuando alguien les dijo: "¡Oh! Maestro y alumno", Arpa, de 90 años, respondió: "No, no. Somos amigos".

Entonces, Manuel García se convirtió en artista. Sus escenas de género están impregnadas de amor por España, su historia, la España del siglo XIX, sus pequeños pueblos y paisajes aparecen en sus pinturas. Manuel prácticamente no se fue a ningún lado, le bastaba su España natal.

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