What will happen when you merge the history of ancient Egypt with European fine art? The result is surely the impressive unique works of Gala Fattah. Artist Gala Fattah is a Contemporary Russian painter of Egyptian origin. Galla was born in Moscow in 1970, Galla known for her creativity in re-imagining ancient Egyptian art. It is known for its contributions to Russian fine art and its many exhibitions spread around the world. Through her paintings, she highlights the continuous modernity of art dating back thousands of years. “For me, ancient Egyptian art is without a doubt relevant to our modern life,” says Gala. I see the achievements and the beauty ... I see the flowery lines and the grandeur of architecture. This civilization captures the minds of scientists, architects, and artists! Ancient Egypt undoubtedly has modern features and this is what I want to convey in my paintings.
■ But what does it take to be so closely tied with the history you are so distant from?
The answer lies in the unique influence of Gala Fattah's artistic field. Her father, Ahmed Abdel Fattah, a cinematographer and art historian, fell in love with Nadia Abdel-Malek, the prominent ballerina at the Cairo Opera. The two moved to Moscow in 1968 through a cultural exchange program and began a new life in a strange land, bringing with them their deep appreciation and admiration for the arts of their motherland.
This is the world that Gala Fattah and her sister Geba grew up in. They have grown up surrounded by their father's enormous archive of photos and videos documenting Egyptian culture. Their father was able to document in his archives the allure of temples, statues and historical manuscripts. My parents had strong ties to their roots in a way that is often felt by those who moved and deported from their motherland but still lives in it. When asked what she thinks of growing up abroad, Gala said, "When I was a child, I didn't understand my roots back then." But over time, I began to feel drawn to understanding the story of my origins and became deeply interested in the history of ancient Egypt. And it became clear to me that it was a world of the utmost beauty and splendor, for it had completely enchanted me and I am still captivated by this world until now. While her sister followed in her mother's footsteps and became a ballerina at the prestigious Bolshoi Theater in Moscow, Gala pursued the same dedication of her father to the fine arts. In 1986 when she was only 15 years old, Gala opened her first art gallery.
Just like the pharaonic realms that Galla brings to her audience, the vivid colors of gold and blue dominate her work. Its attractive contemporary paintings of ancient Egyptian mythology are what Gala became famous for. Her oil and watercolor paintings combine elements of culture, femininity, and dance with references to the talented women of her family. Her paintings include symbols from Egyptian, Nubian, and Sub-Saharan African cultures. The sun is often present in her paintings as a literal and metaphorical source of energy. “This land, with its kind, vibrant people, has a great influence on me. And so it is very important to show the energy of the sun in my paintings; This energy overwhelms a person with happiness and strength and this is what is the essence of creativity. ”
Gala Fattah is an example of how the power of identity can transcend geographic boundaries. But her work goes beyond her personal quest to explore her roots, as she emphasizes the interconnectedness of all human beings. No matter where we are now, all human beings are intimately connected to Africa - a heritage that it is “very proud of belonging to”.
ولدت الفنانة المعاصرة جالا عبدالفتاح ( هالة عبدالفتاح ) عام 1970 في موسكو. هاجر والداها من مصر إلى روسيا. بدأت جالا الرسم عندما كانت طفلة ، لذلك ليس من المستغرب أن يقوم والداها ، بكل طريقة ممكنة ، بدعم موهبتها الواضحة ، بإرسال فنان المستقبل للدراسة في مدرسة موسكو للفنون ، التي تخرجت منها عام 1988.
بعد المدرسة ، التحقت جالا بمعهد موسكو الأكاديمي الحكومي الذي سمي على اسم ف. سوريكوف ، حيث درست حتى عام 1994. ثم في عام 1997 ، تخرجت من جامعة موسكو الحكومية بدرجة دبلوم في علم النفس. منذ عام 1998 وحتى الوقت الحاضر ، أقامت جالا عبد الفتاح معارض سنوية للوحات في البيت المركزي للفنانين في موسكو. اليوم ، تزين أعمال جالا العديد من المجموعات الخاصة في ألمانيا ومصر والنرويج وروسيا والمملكة العربية السعودية والولايات المتحدة.
أما مصر ... فهي بلد مدهش وثقافة قديمة مثيرة ، مزيج من الأسرار والحكمة ورياح الصحراء والرمال الذهبية ، ولدت في ظروف غامضة في موسكو الثلجية. تقول جالا إنها لم تتناول موضوع مصر في الرسم لفترة طويلة ، لكن للجذور قوى قوية ، وعاجلاً أم آجلاً ، يندمج وعيهم في عمل الفنان ، ويجد طريقته الخاصة في التفكير على القماش. نشأت في روسيا وترعرعت على تقاليد الفنون الجميلة الروسية ، بشكل غير متوقع لنفسها ، اكتشفت جالا انسجام الرمزية المصرية ورسم الأيقونات الروسية القديمة ، وخواصهما الرسومية.
عرضت مكتبة المركز الثقافي المسماة "فولوشين" في العاصمة الروسية موسكو معرضا للفنان التشكيلي المصري جالا عبد الفتاح. وقد سلط الضوء على جمال الملكات المصريات القدامى والنساء المعاصرات والآثار ووفرة الطبيعة على ضفاف النيل. أكد فيكتور سولكين ، الخبير الروسي في علم المصريات وأمين المعرض ، أن موهبة جالا في روسيا تحظى بالكثير من المعجبين ، حيث يتم افتتاح معارضها بانتظام في أرقى قاعات العاصمة. وأشار إلى أنه تم اختيار مكتبة ومركز فولوشين لتنظيم المعرض ، لما يهم الحضارة المصرية موضحا أن فن جالا يمثل جسرا ثقافيا مذهلا بين مصر وروسيا
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