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Paintings Of Artist Fongwei Liu

Fongwei Liu Chinese Impressionist painter, who was not even thought about how to become a professional artist. 

He began his search for himself in 1994, after graduating from art school in Yunnan.

After high school, he enrolled at the famous Yunnan Art Academy, where he earned a bachelor's degree in modern visual arts. Fongwei worked at various enterprises after graduating from university, but he never touched a brush until 2007, when he realised that art was his true and only passion, and moved to the United States, deciding to continue his studies, and enrolling in the Academy of Arts at the University of San Francisco.

Fonway got his diploma and bachelor's degree from the Academy of Arts in San Francisco after finishing his studies in 2009. He has been a painting lecturer at the same art institution since 2010.

He eventually relocated to the United States, where he now resides in Santa Clara, California. He participated in the show for the first time shortly after graduating from university. in 2009. Since then he has regularly exhibited in North America.

Fongwei began his professional career as an artist in 2009, and his work has been featured in numerous solo and group exhibitions, including the International Salon, the Exhibition of American Oil Painters, the Annual International Portraits Competition, The Great Impressionists - Masters of Contemporary Art, and others. The artist fantasises of putting on an author's show in his native country. He loves to paint landscapes and portraits, however still lifes are a favourite of his.

Here is what Liu Fongwei says about his work: "I get inspiration for my painting from nature. Its subject is not so important for me, it is much more important to capture and show the viewer all the beauty of the world around us, for example - the colors of autumn, white snow landscapes, foggy cities , the emotions of people and the expressiveness of the human body. As an artist, I try to constantly improve my skills, it has become my second nature to do this, because I believe that the best methods allow you to create the best paintings. "

刘芳伟 中国印象派画家,从没想过如何成为职业艺术家。

Fonway 在 2009 年完成学业后获得了旧金山艺术学院的文凭和学士学位。 自 2010 年以来,他一直在同一家艺术机构担任绘画讲师。
他最终搬到了美国,现在居住在加利福尼亚州的圣克拉拉。大学毕业后不久,他第一次参加了这个节目。 2009 年。此后,他定期在北美展出。

方伟于2009年开始他的职业生涯,作品曾多次参加个展和群展,包括国际沙龙、美国油画家展、年度国际肖像大赛、伟大的印象派——当代艺术大师, 和别的。艺术家幻想在他的祖国举办作家的展览。他喜欢画风景和肖像,但静物是他的最爱。


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