ArtLiveAndBeauty - Masterpieces of Paintings All The Times

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Paintings Of Artist Elena Korableva

Artist Elena Nikolaevna Korableva  ( Художник Елена Николаевна Кораблева ) A Very Talented  Russian Painter, Elena Korableva was born in 1970 in Belgorod, Russia.

She Studied And Graduated from the Vologda Art School and the Vologda Pedagogical Institute. 1996 to 2012 repeatedly participated in exhibitions that were held in the Vologda region. In 2013, she first exhibited her paintings in St. Petersburg.

Elena currently lives and works in St. Petersburg, Her paintings in oils and watercolors. Favorite genre - landscape.

"I love everything in painting: the smell of oil paints, the mixing of the color palette, the subtlety of the lines, the silence of the nights ...", says Elena Korableva about her work .

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