ArtLiveAndBeauty - Masterpieces of Paintings All The Times

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 Jim Daly paintings

Jim Daly is A contemporary American Artist, He was born in 1940 in ( Holdenville, Oklahoma ) in usa , currently he live and works in Oregon, his a passion for painting began in very early age.

The artist  Jim Daly's wonderful paintings of children are full of love, warmth, compassion, and real feelings. I'm a huge fan of his children! The artist represents genuine childhood with all of its whims, pleasures, tragedies, and happiness in his works.

Jim Daly says that art must originate from the heart, and that the world is full with evil. He aims to portray a lovely and pure existence that is full of hope and inspiration through his paintings.

At Age 13 Jim Decided to paint a "masterpiece" at the age of 13, purchased a huge canvas, and painted a hairdresser near their house. He handed his mum this Portrait, And When She Was Very impressed of her child extraordinary talent.

Norman Rockwell's paintings represent A Big inspiration for Jim And we can see this Influence strongly in his Paintings. He worked in the defence industry after resigning from the army in 1959, and painted at night.

After graduating from art college in Los Angeles, Jim Daly completely went into painting.

For a while, Jim Daly tried himself as a teacher at the Scottsdale School, Arizona. Organized workshops in the USA and Canada for Millpond Press, giving lectures about his art.

"I am now doing exactly what I dreamed of when I was a boy. If I can get people involved, let them take a little sentimental journey, where our best and loyal friends are, and a mother who always knows how to make us laugh and fix everything, whatever, then I said something with my art.
Creativity is not really about knowing what to do. The best things happen when you let go of your thoughts. And let the Spark, which flows through all emotions along the way, create. Emotions are probably the key to everything I do.
Now my grandchildren are my inspiration. I rejoice with them and rejoice for them. "

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