Artist Jeremy Winborg's Paintings Part 1 Artist Jeremy Winborg is a well-known portraitist. He has been painting images of America...
Artist Antonio Duarte's Paintings Antonio Duarte was born in Portugal and attended the Escola Artes Plasticas de Coimbra and the Escol...
Artist John William Godward's Paintings John William Godward was born on August 9, 1861, in Wimbledon, a London suburb, the eldest of fi...
Artist Igor Shulman's Paintings There are painters who can observe life and depict it in such a manner that the full range of emotions, ...
Artist Frederick Arthur Bridgman (1847 - 1928). Exciting secrets of Cairo and Algeria. Genre paintings by American orientalist artist Freder...
Artist-Patrizia-Rizzo's-Paintings Patrizia Rizzo is a contemporary Venezuelan hyperrealistic Painter , She Was born in 1953, figurati...
Artist Joo Seok Ju's Paintings Artist Joo Seok Ju can rightly be called a "dark horse." On the Internet there is neit...
Artist-Robert-Semans's-paintings Artist Robert Semans is A Contemporary American artist, he got a classical education and has stayed co...
Artist-Laurent-Botella's-PainPaintings Artist Laurent Botella is a contemporary Painter. he was born in Nantes ( in north-western of ...
Artist-Ludwig-Gschossmann's-Paintings Ludwig Gschossmann is a German painter who influenced realism and impressionism. Ludwig Gschoss...
Artist-Richard-S.-Johnson's-Paintings Artist Richard S. Johnson is a contemporary impressionist painter from the United States. In 19...
Artist-Diego-Dayer-Paintings Artist Diego Dyer is a contemporary Argentinian figurative and realist painter, Diego Dyer was born in Raphae...
Harumi-Kosugi's-Watercolor-Paintings Japanese paintings, particularly watercolours, are always thin, delicate, and highly detailed. T...