ArtLiveAndBeauty - Masterpieces of Paintings All The Times

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Patinings Of Artist Kevin Sloane

Kevin Sloan an American artist, is a seasoned practitioner with scores of shows under his belt. He graduated from the University of Arizona with a Master of Fine Arts degree. Works in the "magic realism" category. Kevin Sloan predominantly works with acrylic on canvas, as well as sketches and paintings on paper. Growing up in Des Moines, Iowa, his early interest in painting was sparked by student workshops at the Des Moines Art Center, namely by Artist in Residence Frank Limone. He knew he wanted to pursue painting in college after graduating from high school. Kevin Sloan was graduated with a BFA in Painting from Tyler School of Art, where he studied under Stephen Greene and Stanley Whitney. He completed his formal education at the University of Arizona, where he studied under James G. Davis and earned an MFA in Painting in 1984...

Many people mistake Kevin Sloan's paintings for a blend of Salvador Dali and Evgeny Charushin's work at first sight. Allegory and symbolism are used into original art works. They're vivid, realistic animal pictures with allegorical meanings and a storey. Kevin's major strategy is to use the picture of the natural world to disclose the unexpected side of modern society's qualities, as well as its many components. His paintings are vivid, diverse, and enigmatic, as if they are re-discovering reality for us. Kevin Sloane paints from his various journeys across the world, bringing with him impressions. The artist is looking for a way to take us away from our current technology surroundings and into the world of symbolism, allegory, and poetry. His paintings depict the ever-changing seasons, the development of a bud into a flower, and then into seeds, in other words, a magnificent garden that we name planet Earth.

"Some of my pieces are easier to comprehend and communicate until the finish, while others are less so. However, they all connect to the idea of beauty, drama, and uniqueness in nature, which I highlight in my works, said the artist.“My works convey a sense of wonder in the natural world, a sense of humor, a sense of abundance and, most importantly, they convey beauty at a time when it is becoming increasingly rare.” Sloane's art incorporates some type of fairy-tale-like wonder. This fairy tale is so vivid that you want to reach out and touch it, if only for a moment.

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