ArtLiveAndBeauty - Masterpieces of Paintings All The Times

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Artist Reza Rahimi Lasko's Paintings

Reza Rahimi Lesko is a contemporary Iranian realist painter. Reza was born in the same year as the Islamic Revolution. He was born in 1979 in Abadan, an industrial city in southern Iran. With his mother's support, he began painting as a youngster. His mother was a major supporter of him, and he was professionally coached by Mr. Majid Arvari in 1997. Reza's paintings now demonstrate that his mother was a sensible lady, and without her support, Reza's ability may not have been found.

Reza Rahimi Lesko has wonderful and fantastic pencil designs in addition to oil paint. At first sight, looking at Reza Rahimi Lesko's exquisite paintings and drawings, it appears like he studied painting at a European institution in Italy; in his works, the shapes are superb, and he has a remarkable knowledge of feeling and light. His paintings frequently feature everyday people as the protagonists; the picture is of a saleswoman, housewife, or caregiver; he selects images of individuals on the street. Reza Rahimi Lesko's paintings are passionate and appealing, and they make people think. He has been painting for many years and does not believe that his time has been squandered. "Reza Rahimi Lesko" writes a few lines on his love of art. Art should not be commercialised! Design and art have etiquette and principles as well; it seeks composition, state and beauty, colour and glaze, research and life, boredom and joy.

Reza Rahimi Lesko has made many and enduring works, and he is now teaching drawing and painting at the University of Tehran's Visual Arts Center and at his home studio. In 2011, he held his debut show, and he also took part in a group painting exhibition at the Reza Abbasi Museum in 2012, the Hiva Gallery in 2010, and the Golestan Gallery in 2013. In the worldwide tournament organised by ARC in 2011-2012.

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