68 Figurative Paintings of Artist Nikolai Blokhin Part [ 1 ] | ArtLiveAndBeauty - ArtLiveAndBeauty - Masterpieces of Paintings All The Times 68 Figurative Paintings of Artist Nikolai Blokhin Part [ 1 ] | ArtLiveAndBeauty | ArtLiveAndBeauty - Masterpieces of Paintings All The Times

ArtLiveAndBeauty - Masterpieces of Paintings All The Times

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Freitag, 6. Mai 2022

68 Figurative Paintings of Artist Nikolai Blokhin Part [ 1 ] | ArtLiveAndBeauty


Nikolai Blokhin's Paintings Part [1]

Nikolai Blokhin is a world-renowned Russian painter who belongs to the classical school of painting. The master's work has been shown in the United States, Holland, Finland, Italy, and France. His work is notable for its diversity of genres and colour expressiveness. Nikolai Dmitrievich Blokhin was born on May 22, 1968, in Leningrad. Engineers were their parents' occupations. The father desired that the children participate in athletics, but the mother desired that them be seen as creative individuals. Nikolai was also supposed to be sent to a music school, which he opposed, because his brother played the violin. Finally, the child agreed to spend a week with the "artist" and to stay there if he liked it.

For More Paintings Of  the Artist Nikolai Blokhin You Can See Part (2) @ this Link :

Paintings of Artist Nikolai Blokhin

Blokhin ended up in the Art School for Gifted Children in 1980. Upon admittance, Nikolai Blokhin purposefully attempted to draw as badly as possible. But Nikolai Blokhin quickly learned that he like the creative environment, and a new universe emerged from the colours on the canvas. So Nikolai, the young man, selected his profession. At 1982, he enrolled in the St. Petersburg Secondary Art School, and in 1985, he made his first attempt to gain admission to the Repin St. Petersburg Art Academy. It was a famed educational institution built at the imperial family's expense. The institution educated renowned artists like as Karl Bryullov, Alexander Ivanov, Ilya Repin, Mikhail Vrubel, and Valentin Serov.

Nikolai Blokhin failed his studies and was compelled to enter the army, which had a good impact on his creative biography. He was stationed in Moscow, went AWOL, and went to the Central House of Artists. Nonetheless, he entered the academy in 1989, a mature young man with an autonomous personality and his own perspective on painting. Nikolay did not let his conservative professors break him; instead, he was seeking for fresh methods to break free from the traditions. One of Nikolai Blokhin's works was revised by Professor Boris Ugarov (President of the Academy) one day. A rebellious pupil scraped the modifications off the painting and started again. The master did not even approach him for the following 1.5 years.

Nikolai Blokhin graduated from the school in 1995 and then worked as a teacher there. He was promoted to professor in 2000. Blokhin began with portraits inspired by the Impressionists, who sought to capture the sitter's transitory emotion. The artist himself claimed that he was attempting to estimate a person's personality and capture his essence on paint. His female pictures are particularly well-known: "Anya," "Gypsy," "Patricia and Margo from the Taos tribe," "Marie," and "Venetian." The sketches of the well-known dancer Katya Gusarova and her buddy hold a unique place in his work.
Blokhin is also a skilled landscape painter. His hometown St. Petersburg was frequently the subject of his paintings. Nikolai Blokhin attempts to depict the wet and dismal environment through which the imperial expanse and majesty of the cultural capital appears, as it were. Venice, the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, the Florentine Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, and the Roman bridge of the Holy Angel were also shown on the artist's canvases.

Blokhin's still lifes are distinguished by exquisite restraint, delicate coloration, and a light touch. When painting flowers, for example, the artist does not seek to painstakingly write down each petal while attempting to communicate the overall tone. Nikolai dislikes producing graphics or making sketches, preferring to combine colours right away. Despite the fact that the master has long been known outside of Russia, Nikolai Blokhin was truly appreciated in the late 2000s. Exhibitions of Nikolai Blokhin's work were held in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kazan, Saratov, Voronezh, Samara, and Yekaterinburg.
Nikolai Blokhin is the only draughtsman in the world to earn two renowned American honours at the same time: the Grand Prix of the American Association of Portrait Artists International Competition and the Best of Show award. Russian painters were previously not even nominated for these honours. The Russian artist's works are in the private collections of the European Parliament in Belgium, Oscar winner Anthony Quinn, actress Suzanne Somers, and TV host Maria Sittel.

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