ArtLiveAndBeauty - Masterpieces of Paintings All The Times

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Rosmery Mamani Ventura's Paintings

Rosmery Mamani Ventura is a contemporary Bolivian artist, painter and graphic artist. She was born in 1985 in the village of Cahiyata (Bolivia). in 1998, the future artist moved to the city of El Alto. Having first trained as an accountant, Rosmeri Mamani Ventura decided to become an artist. She received her professional art education at the Municipal School of Art in El Alto (Escuela Municipal de las Artes de El Alto), graduating in 2009. Rosmeri Mamani Ventura works in the portrait genre, mainly using pastels. The artist paints realistic and hyperrealistic graphic and pictorial portraits of her contemporaries. she is a rising star whose close bond with people living on the margins of society leads to unusually rich and detailed portraits. She was born in the province of Omasuyos, in the town of Kajiata on the shores of Lake Titicaca, where she lived until 1998. At the age of 14 she moved to the city of El Alto. Here she received her art education at the Municipal School of Arts.

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