Pascal Chove - a modern French artist, born in 1960 ♥️♥️♥️ - ArtLiveAndBeauty - Masterpieces of Paintings All The Times

ArtLiveAndBeauty - Masterpieces of Paintings All The Times

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🎨 Artist Pascal Chove

Pascal Chove - frankly speaking, an unusual artist, he is able to depict a female body with photographic accuracy, which we will now see. In his paintings, the past is surprisingly combined with the present. Pascal Chove uses resin-based paint, which allows him to create beautiful feminine portraits in three-dimensional perspective. He is one of the most advanced artists who write with the use of modern technologies that currently exist in painting.

Pascal Chove - a modern French artist, born in 1960.
At the beginning of his career, he worked mainly with wood panels, since he does not like the canvas, the artist considers it too soft and inappropriate material because of the possibility of accidentally scratching or stain the picture, the artist always wanted to break away from the traditional canvas and change it more predictable drawing surface. Currently, he has found his true style: Pascal Chauvet prefers to create his paintings as if he is building a building. For example, one of his most important methods is to make the center of the picture very detailed, clear, almost hyper-realistic, but the further you move from the center, the more blurred the objects in Pascal’s picture.

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