Ramiro Ramirez Cardona Ramiro Ramirez Cardona was born in 1954 in Chinchina, Caldos Province, Colombia. Self-taught artist. - ArtLiveAndBeauty - Masterpieces of Paintings All The Times Ramiro Ramirez Cardona Ramiro Ramirez Cardona was born in 1954 in Chinchina, Caldos Province, Colombia. Self-taught artist. | ArtLiveAndBeauty - Masterpieces of Paintings All The Times

ArtLiveAndBeauty - Masterpieces of Paintings All The Times

ArtliveAndBeauty is A Blog About Masterpieces Of Paintings All the Times, Elite of Finest Artists paintings All Over The World

Mittwoch, 21. Dezember 2022

Ramiro Ramirez Cardona Ramiro Ramirez Cardona was born in 1954 in Chinchina, Caldos Province, Colombia. Self-taught artist.

Artist Ramiro Ramirez Cardona - Columbian Artist

Was born in Chinchiná (Caldas) Columbia, in a family of self-taught artists, sculptors and painters. The human body rather than a being erotic or leakage eager libido, is itself, by its immediate essence, a dreamer, a creator and it is through the body, of that battered body, which has become a being communicating with dreams, ambitions, doubts and loneliness, that man has imagined and amazes us every day.

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