ArtLiveAndBeauty - Masterpieces of Paintings All The Times

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Artist Jacek Malczewski 

Jacek Malczewski is one of the greatest and most acclaimed artists in the history of Polish art. At the beginning of the nineties at the end of the last Century, his paintings introduced the Symbolism movement into the "Młoda Polska" (Young Poland) school of painting, stimulating the rebirth of the Romantic tradition. Malczewski's father, Julian, had a major influence on shaping his son's worldview and personality. Julian Malczewski instilled into his son the ideas of patriotism and national messianism expressed most fully in Polish literature of the Romantic period. The strong sense of being Polish, sensitivity to the beauty of his country's landscape and a knowledge of national folk art were established during Malczewski's stay at the residence of his uncle, Feliks Karczewski in Wielgiem (1867-1871), where he was tutored by Adolf Dygasiński, a future writer and publicist. The artist's imagination circled around a few questions which he kept posing from different angles, exploring different aspects of the same matter; a matter which was as elusive as it was symbolic.

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