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Artist William- Adolphe Bouguereau's Paintings
[[ PartII ]]

William-Adolphe Bouguereau  was a French painter who was the most prominent exponent of academic salon art. On November 30, 1825, in the city of La Rochelle, he was born. Attended the Royal School of Art, where she studied painting. After graduating from high school, William-Adolphe Bouguereau was awarded the grand prize: a vacation to Italy. After returning from Rome, he spent some time in the French bourgeoisie's homes painting frescoes in the style of the Italian Renaissance. 

After amassing the requisite funds, the artist was finally able to devote himself to his favourite work - academic painting. Bouguereau's career as an academic painter was highly successful; the artist received critical acclaim and showed his works at the annual Parisian salons for almost fifty years. At the Paris Salon exhibits in 1878 and 1885, he received the highest accolade - a gold medal - as the best painter of the year in France. William Bouguereau was made a Commander of the Order of the Honorary Region in 1885. 

William-Adolphe Bouguereau put quite a lot of time and effort into his masterpieces. He arrived at his workshop early in the morning and left after midnight. He, like many great artists, was defined by continual discontent with himself and an unyielding pursuit of perfection. Because of this, his contemporaries dubbed him "Sisyphus of the 19th century." And the gifted painter was likened to Rembrandt. "Rembrandt captured the essence of old age, whereas Bouguereau grabbed the soul of youth," they remarked. A horrible catastrophe will strike his life: one by one, his three children will die, followed by his wife. The artist will bear a great deal of pain, which will be revealed in his work.
And, in order to forget about his loss, the artist committed himself entirely to his work. He made portraits and paintings on historical, mythical, biblical, and allegorical topics when his heart was suffering from depression, accumulated tiredness, alcoholism, and smoking. And the outstanding painter died at the age of 79.

William Bouguereau died in 1905, leaving a tremendous creative legacy for future generations (he produced over 800 paintings throughout his lifetime). Bouguereau's art was praised by modern critics after his death and the period of obscurity of his works (owing to the broad passion for impressionism). The primary retrospective exhibition of William Bouguereau's paintings began in Paris in 1984, then travelled to Montreal, Hartford, and New York.

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