The Landing of the Queen of Sheba by Artist Claude Lorrain | ArtLiveAndBeauty - ArtLiveAndBeauty - Masterpieces of Paintings All The Times The Landing of the Queen of Sheba by Artist Claude Lorrain | ArtLiveAndBeauty | ArtLiveAndBeauty - Masterpieces of Paintings All The Times

ArtLiveAndBeauty - Masterpieces of Paintings All The Times

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Wednesday 5 November 2014

The Landing of the Queen of Sheba by Artist Claude Lorrain | ArtLiveAndBeauty


The Landing of the Queen of Sheba by Artist Claude Lorrain

The painting by Claude Lorrain (née Claude Guellet, traditionally known as Claude) was commissioned by the Duc de Bouillon. It depicts the departure of the Queen of Sheba to Jerusalem to visit King Solomon. The bright morning sun illuminates the city with classical buildings and the seaport where ships are loaded.

 The queen is dressed in a pink tunic, a royal blue cloak and a golden crown. She is about to board a waiting boat that will take her to a ship—perhaps the ship partially hidden by the pillars to the left, or the one further out to sea, above the vanishing point of the image.

 The painting was acquired by the National Gallery in 1824 from the collection of John Julius Angerstein.

The Landing of the Queen of Sheba by Claude Lorrain   1648 Oil on canvas. Size: 149 x 196 cm. National Gallery, London

The Landing of the Queen of Sheba by Claude Lorrain - 1648 Oil on canvas. Size: 149 x 196 cm. National Gallery, London 

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