ArtLiveAndBeauty - Masterpieces of Paintings All The Times

ArtliveAndBeauty is A Blog About Masterpieces Of Paintings All the Times, Elite of Finest Artists paintings All Over The World

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Artist Alfredo Rodriguez was born in 1954 in the small Mexican town of Tepic, Nayarit, near Mexico City, and grew up side by side with the Huichol Indians

Alfredo grew up in a large family and was forced to use his talent to earn money for the needs of the family. Rodriguez became a professional artist in 1968, drawing custom-made paintings from the life of American Indians. His works, portraits and genre scenes from the lives of Indians and white settlers, gold diggers and cowboys have gained international fame. It conveys the spirit of the era, transferring the viewer to the bright and colorful world of the American West. Its mountain and desert landscapes, striking in their beauty and majesty, emphasize the characters of the main characters. Rodriguez defines his painting style as traditional, classical realism plus a bit of impressionism.
Alfredo Rodriguez now lives in California with his wife and three daughters. His works are included in various publications devoted to the art of the West, and his paintings are in museums in Texas, Oregon, Colorado.

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