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Paintings Of Artist Delphin Enjolras

Artist Delphin Enjolras 19th centurty Painter , was A french Artist of spanish Origin, Enjolras was born in may 1857  was not an outstanding painter. He did not enter the host of fine art geniuses, did not become a classic, which would be equal to the next generations of artists . And yet, the reverent and tender art of Delphin Enjolras has received recognition from both contemporaries and descendants. His portraits of women in a muted scale, sensual and gentle, still delight the audience. Especially good artist

Enjolras was nicknamed "the artist of the glare". The

In a large family of not poor, but not rich bourgeois Delphins and Casimir Enjolras, Delphin was the eldest child.

In order for his son to receive a good primary education, his parents sent him to a boarding school in Notre Dame de France. Dolphin's mentors noticed his craving for engineering and advised him to follow this path, but the young man resisted. He felt a craving for the fine arts, so he firmly decided to become an artist .

The parents did not mind, moreover, they supported their son by sending him to Paris. It was there, in the capital of France, that at that time the entire color of the art of the country, and indeed of the whole of Europe, was concentrated.

Delphin entered the School of Fine Arts, where his teachers were renowned Jean-Leon Gerome, Gustave Courtois and Pascal Dagnan-Bouvray. Representatives of academicism, in the visual arts, they adhered to generally accepted canons, which they taught their ward.

Upon graduation from the School of Fine Arts, Angolra was offered the position of teacher of drawing, but he chose a career as an independent artist as a.

Delphin returned home. There, in the land of beautiful nature and old towns with narrow streets, Enjolras began to paint landscapes - beautiful, calm, but somewhat boring and lifeless. Realizing that he was not very successful in this genre, the artist switched to portraits.

Angolra painted famous people of his time, mostly military. The painter succeeded in portraits much better than landscapes, and one of them was even included in the exposition of the Paris Salon of 1889.

Gradually Delphin Enjolras became more and more recognizable and famous. He was invited to participate in the opening days, ordered more and more portraits, willingly bought up canvases. In 1892, the craftsmen were invited to work in the town of Saint-Gilles, providing him with a workshop and housing. The artist no longer needed to look for orders, so he devoted himself entirely to art. In Saint-Gilles, he continued to paint landscapes and portraits, but at the same time gradually tried himself in a new genre, which, in the end, made him truly famous.

Enjolras was carried away by female images. He painted beautiful girls both from nature and from memory in a diverse environment - in nature or in elegant interiors. The artist was especially good at evening portraits of beautiful ladies - at the toilet, before going to bed, in moments of relaxation.

Delphin Enjolras learned to masterfully convey the nuances of the muted light of the sconce, the play of light and shadow, so that the ladies in the paintings looked very graceful, mysterious and unapproachable, but at the same time - very tender.

By the end of his life, Enjolras had become an accomplished artist. He repeatedly exhibited at the Salon, became a member of the Society of French Artists, some of his paintings were acquired by state museums in France.

Delphin Enjolras lived a long (88 years) and happy life. The artist received recognition during his lifetime, he has not been forgotten to this day. Now the master's paintings can be seen mainly in the collections of French museums.

Paintings of Artist  Delphin Enjolras

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