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Artist Charles Edward Perugini (1839-1918) 

" Pandora's Box "

P.S. We use aphorisms and catchphrases all the time, but do we know where they came from and what they mean?  Hardly.  It's always fascinating to dive into the complexities and hidden meanings of the language, because whole stories may be conveyed in a single sentence.

Everyone is familiar with the tale of Prometheus, who gave humanity fire after stealing it from the gods of Olympus.  But not everyone realizes Pandora is also the story's heroine.

The celestials resolved to get retribution on the arrogant Prometheus in an unusual way: they created a woman.

So they made a woman, endowing her with each of the gods' unique abilities - she knew how to accomplish everything and more.  The celestials decided to give this creature, who they named Pandora (in English - blessed with everything), to Prometheus, but he immediately recognized that nothing positive could be anticipated and refused the gift.

Then Pandora enchanted Prometheus's brother, Epimetheus, and the latter wedded the girl.

Zeus determined that Prometheus should be punished in some manner, but since he was too diligent, the lightning god took a shortcut - through his younger brother.  He sent Epimetheus a sealed box containing all vices, evils, and illnesses.  It was strictly banned to open the vessel.

Pandora, endowed with insatiable curiosity, snatched the box from her husband and opened it.  All problems erupted and descended on the planet.  Pandora tried to shut the box, but it was too late.  When Epimetheus learned what had happened, he snatched the tragic box from his wife, but he was interrupted by a tiny and feeble voice from within.  Prometheus' brother opened the package again, struggling with himself and believing that things couldn't get much worse.  And a sliver of hope shot out of him.  And so it was - no matter how much pain befell humanity, there would always be hope around, and only individuals can choose which of the voices to listen to.

" Pandora's Box " , 1889 by Artist Charles Edward Perugini (1839-1918)
" Pandora's Box " , 1889 by Artist Charles Edward Perugini (1839-1918) 

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