ArtLiveAndBeauty - Masterpieces of Paintings All The Times

ArtliveAndBeauty is A Blog About Masterpieces Of Paintings All the Times, Elite of Finest Artists paintings All Over The World

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Artist Sage Barnes

He started his artistic journey as a young child drawing and illustrating, now he’s flourished into a versatile artist who has developed a passion for painting. He was once a student at FIDM (Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising), but he made the decision to drop out of school to pursue his passion. Many know him as a St. Joseph, Missouri native who always has a brush in hand, but he’s more than a workaholic, and his name is Sage Barnes. Sage comes from an artistic family. His grandmother is an oil painter, and one day she left behind a few paint brushes in the mix with his drawing materials, so he decided to pick one up and give it a try. Since then, he and his brush have been inseparable. “Even though I haven’t been painting for years and years - I’ve already grown in all aspects of being an artist. My appreciation for art, the way I use art to communicate and really just the way I look at things,” he explained.

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